Yacon Syrup Is Ideal For Diabetics Says French Gastroenterologist & Author

Yacon Syrup Is Ideal For Diabetics Says French Gastroenterologist & Author

In a recent interview in LeParisien, Paris, France, Dr. William Berrebi, a leading Gastroenterologist & Author of book 'Mission Flat Stomach' shared his opinion on Yacon Syrup and how it could be an ideal solution to over consumption of sugar. (Click here for the interview)

This syrup interested Dr. Berrebi for its several benefits. First, it has half the calories that of sugar. Second, it is low glycaemic index food. Third, natural fructooligosaccharides (FOS)fibre is abundantly available, since it has the highest FOS in plants. These fibres resist the digestive enzymes and come straight to the colon where it becomes the fuel for the good gut bacteria.

The health benefits are far too many to ignore. It’s capacity to work in disease prevention is immense. 

In conclusion, he recommends, “Yacon syrup is ideal for diabetics since its consumption does not stimulate insulin secretion. And as it can contribute to weight loss, it is also indicated in cases of obesity. I also recommend it to all people whose microbiota is impoverished and unbalanced. For the microbiota to function well and protect our health, we need to eat 30g of fibre per day. However, only one in eight people achieves this objective in France. Adding Yacon to your menu is a good way to achieve this without difficulty."

Similarly, Indian fibre consumption is low and sugar intake is high.  

Further, the World Health Organization released its guideline on consumption of non-sugar sweeteners (artificial and zero calorie sweeteners) and the adverse health effects it has on the human body. (Link to the Guideline Here

This makes Yacon Syrup very attractive as a healthy daily diet product. 

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