Sweet Yacon Syrup can be consumed daily and helps you enjoy festivities!
Many conscious individuals now consume safe sugars. Such as, jaggery, dates etc. However, one has to be careful to understand the Glycaemic Index of the sugars one is consuming. Further, extreme processing of sweeteners can also lead to it losing many of its healthy properties apart from just being Low Glycaemic Index.
Here the Yacon India team researched and came up with the perfect solution for the health-conscious consumer. Yacon is a Peruvian origin crop which is cultivated in Sikkim, Himalayas. We pioneered its cultivation in India. Sikkim is our home as well as a fully organic cultivation state. Read about our journey.

Yacon is grown and harvested in the farms of Sikkim and minimally processed at our facility. Our processing methodology ensures that the key ingredient, natural Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a prebiotic gets retained along with other essential minerals and anti-oxidants.
60% of the sweetness of Earthier Yacon Syrup comes from its natural FOS (FructoOligoSaccharide). Since the human body does not have the enzyme to break down FOS, FOS does not enter the blood stream, hence it does not affect blood sugar. Not only that, because FOS are soluble dietary fibre, they can slow down the decomposition rate of free sugar in other foods that are simultaneously ingested to stabilize blood sugar. Therefore, diabetics can safely take Earthier Yacon Syrup. Yacon Syrup is categorized as Low Glycaemic Index. Diabetics can safely consume this. Click for more details about Earthier Yacon Syrup.
It is just not diabetics, but people in general who are conscious about their gut health, metabolism and overall, well – being should consider integrating Yacon Syrup in their diet.